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I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll soon be writing for a second blog in addition to Inspiring Science!  The Scitable blog network, part of Nature Education’s online collaborative learning space, will be relaunching sometime soon and I’ve been asked to be one of the authors of the new blog about evolution.  Joining me will be Sarah Jane Alger, who currently writes about animal behaviour on her excellent blog, The Scorpion and the Frog.

The new blog will have a more didactic tone than Inspiring Science, perhaps something like my series on natural selection.  We’re planning a bunch of exciting posts, from explaining basic concepts to exploring fascinating evolutionary stories and the nuances of the evolutionary process.  In addition to the evolution blog, there will be blogs about geology, oceanography, environmental science, psychology, neuroscience, and physics.  I can’t say much more about it now, but stay tuned for more news!

Of course, I’m not going to stop writing on Inspiring Science.  I’ve nurtured this blog for the past 15 months and grown with it, so nothing’s going to change here.  Thank you to everyone who’s been reading, commenting, and encouraging me.  I started this blog to wade my way into the world of science writing; now, as I’m finishing my PhD and looking uncertainly towards the future, I’m really pleased to be taking the next step along that journey.