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Today officially marks the first anniversary of Inspiring Science, and it’s been a great year!  I think I managed to make some progress towards the goals I outlined in my first post.  Over the course of the past year, I’ve learned how to make my writing more accessible and become better at engaging with non-scientists, though unfortunately I haven’t managed to write as frequently as I would have liked.  I hope I can rectify that and continue to improve those skills, but I’m also going to try to do a better job of fostering discussion over the next 12 months.  I have a few ideas about how to do that; we’ll see how well they pan out.  (If you have a suggestion, let me know!)

If you’re one of the newer readers, why not take a romp through the archives?  There’s some good stuff buried on there that doesn’t often make it  onto the “What’s popular now?” list in the sidebar.  I’ve also picked five posts from the past year which I wish had received more attention and listed them below; I hope you’ll enjoy them.

With that said, I look forward to another year of writing about science; thanks for reading, commenting and generally keeping me company on this adventure!  If you have any suggestions about what I could do differently or better (or what I’m doing well) please leave a comment so I can learn and improve. 🙂